Fifth Edition of Kids’ Film Festival
at Operndorf Afrika, Burkina Faso

11  – 15 June 2024

The KIFIFE’s selection, including documentaries, fiction, short films and animations, is based on African children and teenagers as protagonist or directors, aiming at showing their everyday reality.


Welcome to the team, François Bouda!

François Bouda

Welcome to the team, François Bouda!

We are happy to introduce you the new director of the KIFIFE Festival: François Bouda!

François Bouda is an arts and culture manager from Burkina Faso. With about fourteen years of experience in the cultural and development sector, he has been involved in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of cultural policies, various programs and projects on the African continent and outside. François Bouda has worked with international organizations in Europe, Asia and the United States, including the Francophonie Mission to the UN in New York, the CKU (Danish Center for Culture and Development) and AMA (Art Moves Africa).

In 2021, he will replace Alex Moussa Sawadogo as Festival Director of KIFIFE, who will take over as Director of Fespaco from this year!